
Global Updates

With the pandemic taking its grasp over the globe, we at Hawkamah would like to keep you updated on corporate governance related documents being issued by various organisations, platforms, and thought leaders that maybe useful as you try to work with your board go through this ongoing challenge.

Global Policy

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) issued in its recent Economic Assessment Report actions and measures by the governments in softening the economic impact of NCOV.

The International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), a conglomeration of some of the biggest international institutional investors, laid out in its viewpoint how different markets are handling shareholder meetings during the COVID-19 health emergency.

Advise for Boards

Corporate governance thought leaders laid out 10 considerations for Board of Directors as they work with their management grapple with the day-to-day management of crisis mitigation and highlights key areas of focus that Boards need to stay on top to make sure that management is taking appropriate action to the extent the board considers prudent.

ICSA, The Governance Institute from the United Kingdom, issued a very useful guidance on virtual meetings that lays out the roles of board chairs, board secretary, board members, and executives in ensuring effective and productive virtual meetings. As a growing number of regional companies are deploying various online meeting softwares, the best-practice guidance from ICSA can assist regional boards systematise virtual meetings

The International Finance Corporation shared some tips for company leadership on how to respond to the COVID-19 crisis that demonstrate leadership and culture, effective oversight of crisis management, an internally agile response to crisis, trusted and responsive communication with both shareholders and stakeholders, and an overall commitment to the company’s sustainability.

Note: The documents hyperlinked above will send you directly to the author’s/publisher’s direct document. From time to time these web links maybe updated by the author/publisher without the knowledge of Hawkamah. Please do let us know (info@hawkamah.org) if any of these hyperlinks are dead links so we can update appropriately.