Friday June 14th, 2024
Hawkamah Newsletter June 2024
Tuesday April 30th, 2024
Hawkamah newsletter April 2024
Thursday May 18th, 2023
17 عامًا من التميز: الاحتفال بالتزام معهد حوكمة بحوكمة الشركات
عمل "حوكمة" في خمسة قطاعات مختلفة ، وقد دعمت الشركات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا لتحسين آلياتها المؤسسية.يحتفل معهد "حوكمة" ، المعهد الرائد للحوكمة ، بعام آخر من الإنجازات البارزة في تشكيل حوكمة الشركات في جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. مع أكثر من 100 عام من الخبرة التي يتمتع بها أعضاء المجلس الاستشاري وأكثر من 30 شراكة وتجمعًا إستراتيجيًا دوليًا ، كانت "حوكمة" قوة محورية في دفع حوكمة أفضل للشركات والمنطقة لما يقرب من عقدين من الزمن.تأسست مؤسسة حوكمة على مبدأ أن الحوكمة الرشيدة هي مفتاح الأعمال المستدامة والناجحة ، وقد جمعت قادة وخبراء في جميع أنحاء العالم لتعزيز أطر وممارسات حوكمة الشركات في المنطقة من خلال العمل مع المنظمين والمؤسسات الدولية.تقدم "حوكمة" ، كونها مركز المعرفة الرائد في مجال حوكمة الشركات في المنطقة ، خبراتها من خلال برامج التدريب والخدمات الاستشارية واستقطاب الخبراء الدوليين لتنمية مشهد الحوكمة. تأسست في المنطقة من أجل المنطقة وتعمل على دعم أجندة دبي والإمارات العربية المتحدة ، وهو أمر ضروري لجذب الاستثمار لضمان التنمية المالية والاقتصادية للمنطقة.وقال الدكتور أحمد بن حسن آل الشيخ ، رئيس مجلس إدارة معهد حوكمة للحوكمة: "نحن فخورون برحلتنا والتأثير الذي تركناه على مدى السبعة عشر عامًا الماضية في تشكيل ثقافة الحكم الرشيد في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. نحن نظل مكرسين لتعزيز النمو الاقتصادي المستدام من خلال ممارسات حوكمة الشركات القوية ، ونتطلع إلى مواصلة هذه الرحلة مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة ".ساعد عمل "حوكمة" المكثف في المنطقة على زيادة الوعي بأهمية حوكمة الشركات ، وزيادة الأعمال التي تتبنى أفضل الممارسات. كان المعهد في طليعة تنمية ثقافة الحوكمة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ، من توليد الوعي المبكر والاهتمام بتمهيد الطريق لإدارة المخاطر وحوكمة التقنيات المتقدمة المستقبلية.قامت مؤسسة حوكمة بتدريب مديري الشركات وأعضاء مجلس الإدارة والموظفين من أكثر من 15 دولة ، مما يساعدهم على تحسين ممارسات الحوكمة لديهم. نشرت المنظمة تقارير موسعة وموثوقة تسلط الضوء على أهمية حوكمة الشركات ووضعت قواعد ومبادئ توجيهية للحوكمة لمساعدة الشركات على تنفيذ حوكمة فعالة لدعم التنمية الاقتصادية في المنطقة والاستدامة.مع استمرار المنطقة في سعيها نحو ممارسات حوكمة أفضل ، تظل "حوكمة" ملتزمة بقيادة الطريق نحو تحقيق التنمية المستدامة والاقتصادية من خلال تعزيز مبادئ الحكم الرشيد والقيادة والمساءلة.وقد اعتمد المعهد الآن 190 أمين مجلس إدارة و 170 مديرًا معتمدًا ، مما يدل على التزامه بتحسين ممارسات حوكمة الشركات الإقليمية. لمزيد من المعلومات حول حوكمة ، يرجى زيارة www.hawkamah.org-ENDS-Notes to EditorsAbout HawkamahHawkamah is a world-class corporate governance institute working to improve corporate governance practices of governments and companies across the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). Founded in 2006 by OECD, the IFC, the World Bank, Union of Arab Banks and the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Authority, Hawkamah is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote corporate governance best practices, transparency, and accountability in the region. Hawkamah provides advocacy, training, research, and consulting services to companies, governments, and institutions across the MENA region. For press queries, please contact Leanne Gouck – leanne@saharapr.com
17 Years of Excellence: Celebrating Hawkamah Institute’s Commitment to Corporate Governance
Operating across five different sectors, Hawkamah has been supporting corporations in the MENA region to improve their corporate mechanisms.Hawkamah, the leading Institute for Governance, celebrates another year of outstanding achievements in shaping corporate governance throughout the Middle East and North Africa. With over 100 years of advisory board members' experience and over 30 international strategic partnerships and associations, Hawkamah has been a pivotal force in driving better governance for companies and the region for almost two decades.Founded on the principle that good governance is key to sustainable and successful businesses, Hawkamah has been gathering leaders and experts worldwide to promote corporate governance frameworks and practices in the region through working with regulators and international institutions.Hawkamah, being the leading corporate governance knowledge hub of the region, is offering its expertise through training programs, advisory services and bringing international experts to grow the governance landscape. It was founded in the region for the region and works to support the agenda of Dubai and the UAE, which is essential for attracting investment to ensure the financial and economic development of the region.Dr Ahmad Bin Hassan Al Sheikh, Chairman of Hawkamah Institute for Governance, said: "We are proud of our journey and the impact we have had over the past 17 years in shaping a culture of good governance in the Middle East and North Africa. We remain dedicated to promoting sustainable economic growth through strong corporate governance practices, and we look forward to continuing this journey with our partners and stakeholders."Hawkamah's extensive work in the region has helped raise awareness of the importance of corporate governance, increasing businesses adopting best practices. The institute has been at the forefront of growing a culture of governance in the UAE, from generating early awareness and interest to paving the way for risk management and governance of future advanced technologies.Hawkamah has trained corporate directors, board members and employees from over 15 countries, helping them improve their governance practices. The organisation has published extensive, reliable reports highlighting the importance of corporate governance and developed governance codes and guidelines to help companies implement effective governance to support the region's economic development and sustainability.As the region continues to strive for better governance practices, Hawkamah remains committed to leading the way toward achieving sustainable and economic development by promoting the principles of good governance, leadership, and accountability. The institute has now certified 190 Board Secretaries and 170 Certified Directors, demonstrating its commitment to improving regional corporate governance practices. For more information about Hawkamah, visit www.hawkamah.org -ENDS-Notes to EditorsAbout HawkamahHawkamah is a world-class corporate governance institute working to improve corporate governance practices of governments and companies across the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). Founded in 2006 by OECD, the IFC, the World Bank, Union of Arab Banks and the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Authority, Hawkamah is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote corporate governance best practices, transparency, and accountability in the region. Hawkamah provides advocacy, training, research, and consulting services to companies, governments, and institutions across the MENA region. For press queries, please contact Leanne Gouck – leanne@saharapr.com
Operating across five different sectors, Hawkamah has been supporting corporations in the MENA region to improve their corporate mechanisms.Hawkamah, the leading Institute for Governance, celebrates another year of outstanding achievements in shaping corporate governance throughout the Middle East and North Africa. With over 100 years of advisory board members' experience and over 30 international strategic partnerships and associations, Hawkamah has been a pivotal force in driving better governance for companies and the region for almost two decades.Founded on the principle that good governance is key to sustainable and successful businesses, Hawkamah has been gathering leaders and experts worldwide to promote corporate governance frameworks and practices in the region through working with regulators and international institutions.Hawkamah, being the leading corporate governance knowledge hub of the region, is offering its expertise through training programs, advisory services and bringing international experts to grow the governance landscape. It was founded in the region for the region and works to support the agenda of Dubai and the UAE, which is essential for attracting investment to ensure the financial and economic development of the region.Dr Ahmad Bin Hassan Al Sheikh, Chairman of Hawkamah Institute for Governance, said: "We are proud of our journey and the impact we have had over the past 17 years in shaping a culture of good governance in the Middle East and North Africa. We remain dedicated to promoting sustainable economic growth through strong corporate governance practices, and we look forward to continuing this journey with our partners and stakeholders."Hawkamah's extensive work in the region has helped raise awareness of the importance of corporate governance, increasing businesses adopting best practices. The institute has been at the forefront of growing a culture of governance in the UAE, from generating early awareness and interest to paving the way for risk management and governance of future advanced technologies.Hawkamah has trained corporate directors, board members and employees from over 15 countries, helping them improve their governance practices. The organisation has published extensive, reliable reports highlighting the importance of corporate governance and developed governance codes and guidelines to help companies implement effective governance to support the region's economic development and sustainability.As the region continues to strive for better governance practices, Hawkamah remains committed to leading the way toward achieving sustainable and economic development by promoting the principles of good governance, leadership, and accountability.For more information about Hawkamah, visit www.hawkamah.org -ENDS-Notes to EditorsAbout HawkamahHawkamah is a world-class corporate governance institute working to improve corporate governance practices of governments and companies across the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). Founded in 2006 by OECD, the IFC, the World Bank, Union of Arab Banks and the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Authority, Hawkamah is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote corporate governance best practices, transparency, and accountability in the region. Hawkamah provides advocacy, training, research, and consulting services to companies, governments, and institutions across the MENA region. For press queries, please contact Leanne Gouck – leanne@saharapr.com
Wednesday May 17th, 2023
Hawkamah celebrates a new milestone in corporate governance in MENA
Since 2006, Hawkamah has been at the forefront of shaping good governance in the region, advising regional governments, companies and boardrooms and providing training and certification programs for board members and senior executives. Hawkamah, the Institute for Governance, has announced that it has achieved a new milestone in corporate governance in the Middle East as companies in the region embrace good corporate governance to attract more investment. The institute has now certified 190 board secretaries and 170 certified directors, demonstrating its commitment to improving regional corporate governance practices.Dr Ashraf Gamal El Din, Chief Executive Officer of Hawkamah Institute for Governance, said: "We are proud of the progress we have made in certifying Board Secretaries and Directors in the region. This achievement reflects the growing recognition of the importance of corporate governance and the demand for high-quality training and certification programs for board members and professionals."Corporate governance is globally recognised as critical to business success and sustainability. Studies show that companies with strong governance practices are 29% more efficient at generating profits and are more attractive to investors due to better stock market performance and returns. Hawkamah's certification programs, including the Director Development Programme and the Company Board Secretary Workshop, are vital in advancing regional corporate governance practices and promoting transparency, accountability, and responsible business practices.Dr Ashraf Gamal El Din also highlighted the importance of diversity, he said: "Board diversity is key to sustainability, as it brings value and fresh perspective to organisations across the MENA region, helping them to prosper and contribute to the economic growth of the region.” In 2017, Dubai Financial Market (DFM) mandated the Hawkamah Certified Board Secretary Workshop for all DFM listed companies. The institute's certifications are recognised and respected throughout the Middle East and beyond, representing a rigorous standard of knowledge and expertise in corporate governance.
Monday May 15th, 2023
Hawkamah celebrates a new milestone in corporate governance in the Middle East and North Africa
Good governance-focused companies in the MENA region are more likely to attract investment.Corporate Governance gains traction regionally with 190 Board Secretaries and 170 Directors certified by HawkamahHawkamah, the Institute for Governance, has announced that it has achieved a new milestone in corporate governance in the Middle East as companies in the region embrace good corporate governance to attract more investment The institute has now certified 190 Board Secretaries and 170 Certified Directors, demonstrating its commitment to improving regional corporate governance practices. Corporate governance is globally recognised as critical to business success and sustainability. Studies show that companies with strong corporate governance practices are 29% more efficient at generating profits and are more attractive to investors due to better stock market performance and returns. Hawkamah's certification programs, including the Director Development Programme and the Company Board Secretary Workshop, are vital in advancing regional corporate governance practices and promoting transparency, accountability, and responsible business practices. Dr Ashraf Gamal El Din, Chief Executive Officer of Hawkamah Institute for Governance, said: "We are proud of the progress we have made in certifying Board Secretaries and Directors in the region. This achievement reflects the growing recognition of the importance of corporate governance and the demand for high-quality training and certification programs for board members and professionals."Hawkamah also recognises the importance of board diversity for business longevity, believing that a diverse board leads to better decision-making and outcomes. In addition, the organisation encourages companies to adopt diverse board structures and offers training to enhance the board's skills in this regard. "Board diversity is key to sustainability, as it brings value and fresh perspective to organisations across the MENA region, helping them to prosper and contribute to the economic growth of the region," said Dr Ashraf Gamal El Din.Since 2006, Hawkamah has been at the forefront of shaping good governance in the region, advising regional governments, companies and boardrooms and providing training and certification programs for board members and senior executives. In 2017, Dubai Financial Market (DFM) mandated the Hawkamah Certified Board Secretary Workshop for all DFM listed companies. The institute's certifications are recognised and respected throughout the Middle East and beyond, representing a rigorous standard of knowledge and expertise in corporate governance.
Hawkamah Celebrates a New Milestone in Corporate Governance in the Middle East and North Africa
Good governance-focused companies in the MENA region are more likely to attract investment.Corporate Governance gains traction regionally with 190 Board Secretaries and 170 Directors certified by HawkamahHawkamah, the Institute for Governance, has announced that it has achieved a new milestone in corporate governance in the Middle East as companies in the region embrace good corporate governance to attract more investment. The institute has now certified 190 Board Secretaries and 170 Certified Directors, demonstrating its commitment to improving regional corporate governance practices. Corporate governance is globally recognised as critical to business success and sustainability. Studies show that companies with strong corporate governance practices are 29% more efficient at generating profits and are more attractive to investors due to better stock market performance and returns. Hawkamah's certification programs, including the Director Development Programme and the Company Board Secretary Workshop, are vital in advancing regional corporate governance practices and promoting transparency, accountability, and responsible business practices. Dr Ashraf Gamal El Din, Chief Executive Officer of Hawkamah Institute for Governance, said: "We are proud of the progress we have made in certifying Board Secretaries and Directors in the region. This achievement reflects the growing recognition of the importance of corporate governance and the demand for high-quality training and certification programs for board members and professionals."Hawkamah also recognises the importance of board diversity for business longevity, believing that a diverse board leads to better decision-making and outcomes. In addition, the organisation encourages companies to adopt diverse board structures and offers training to enhance the board's skills in this regard. "Board diversity is key to sustainability, as it brings value and fresh perspective to organisations across the MENA region, helping them to prosper and contribute to the economic growth of the region," said Dr Ashraf Gamal El Din.Since 2006, Hawkamah has been at the forefront of shaping good governance in the region, advising regional governments, companies and boardrooms and providing training and certification programs for board members and senior executives. In 2017, Dubai Financial Market (DFM) mandated the Hawkamah Certified Board Secretary Workshop for all DFM listed companies. The institute's certifications are recognised and respected throughout the Middle East and beyond, representing a rigorous standard of knowledge and expertise in corporate governance.For more information on Hawkamah, visit www.hawkamah.org -ENDS-Notes to EditorsAbout HawkamahHawkamah is a world-class corporate governance institute working to improve corporate governance practices of governments and companies across the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). Founded in 2006 by OECD, the IFC, the World Bank, Union of Arab Banks and the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Authority, Hawkamah is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote corporate governance best practices, transparency, and accountability in the region. Hawkamah provides advocacy, training, research, and consulting services to companies, governments, and institutions across the MENA region. For press queries, please contact Leanne Gouck – leanne@saharapr.com